Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why don't they offer ESL classes for spanish speaking children?

I'm so mad! My daughter is starting school and she doesn't speak english only spanish becasue she is mexican. I am outraged that they won't offer her english as a second language classes. My daughter should have more rights than this! Who can I complain to?

Men, please answer- Unhappy Wife?

I have been married for about a year and I am feeling increasingly more depressed. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, and I would just like some advice. My husband is a seasonal worker, and when he is home, he gets so lazy and all he does all day (literally, ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT) is play video games on his computer. He is pretty much in another world. I feel like I am annoying him when I ask him to spend time with me, and he only spends time with me if he wants a "break" from playing his video games. I am so bored at home because I don't have hobbies, I am an active person and I love to go out and do things away from my house, but I don't want to do everything by myself. Am I being unreasonable by thinking that he should try to spend more time with me? We are about to have a child and I'm worried about what kind of father he will be. I am thankful that he loves me and provides for me, but I just don't feel happily married. I would appreciate any adivce.

Why do Americans seem to hate Russians?

From my understanding America refused to help Russia with war damages and of course that made Russia mad- thus the cold war. So it's just us holding grudges for something that happened 60-70 years ago. And it is kind of stereo typical, I have nothing against Russians.

Do I use 'is' or 'are'?

How about rephrasing it to 'I write with regard to any vacant positions you have for casual workers behind the candy bar...'

Greece - is workers' revolution, exit from the Euro and exit from the EU superstate the only solution?

There's probably nothing stopping the Greeks from leaving the EU. That only means they will go back to just being " Greece " and more than likely not use the Euro as currency and return to their former currency. This won't absolve them from their debts however, They'll still be in the same boat no matter what they do. BTW the last time I was in Athens, the pollution was just horrible, and I doubt that it's improved any.

Does this sound like a good career plan?

I've decided to major in International Studies in college this fall. After I get my Bachelor's I want to teach ESL in foreign countries for a while. This is something I always wanted to do and I figured it would be good experience for future jobs where I would like to work for the government. Do you agree? Also, what kinds of jobs can I get working for the government with this degree and are they competitive? Any advice? Thanks!

Q: Is god on your side?

God is not on my side. I am on His side only by His wonderful grace. I am no longer His enemy. God does not have to earn my acceptance, yet I have earned His, through adoption in Jesus Christ.

Child Support: Ex withholding wage information?

I have reason to believe that my ex is withholding his commissioned wages. I believe he only reported his hourly wages. I called my case worker and learned what my child support payment would be and I know he has not reported his income correctly. I know how much he makes hourly+commissions and my child support payment of $398 per month cannot be correct. He makes over $4,000 a month. Is it possible that he has only reported his hourly wages to the state??? Can I subpoena his W2's or tax returns?

Which was the first country to ratify the united nations charter?

Who cares? What I want is for America to cancel its membership and kick the corrupt UN out of our country.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

If I don't get Answers, I don't know what to do!?

(Repeated question, I didn't get an answer before) So I have this person in my life that means the world to me, I don't have parents that are supportive, they are alcoholics and are verbally/emotionally abusive towards me. I'm 13 years old and I talk to a child and youth worker sometimes. But my Best friend is an adult in the school, she's always their for me and takes me in when I need someone to talk to. I have no one in my life, but her. Over the last semester, We have talked for hours every week for about 3-4 months now. She's like a mom I didn't really have. She knows that as well and she loves me like a daughter too. Now it's the summer and i'm hurting so much, I have NO ONE for 2 months I can't stay in touch with her obviously until i have graduated, she said she hates the rules and believes they are unfair but has to follow them. I understand, but it hurts like crazy, I miss her already and its only the first day! I'm in her class this september until February (but after february ill still be able to see her) and she says were going to spend time talking in during all next semesters. Can someone give me some tips on what to do?

Assault at work by another worker?

I was assaulted physically at work by another worker , have witnesses put letter of complaint into management , was told worker got final warning on there record, however now find out another complaint about verb-all assault ongoing, feel let down by management as I still feel worried at work the worker may assault me again , has a history of aggressiveness in workplace. My question is if this worker is not sacked this time should I go to police and report assault although was 3 months ago , did not involve them at first because trusted employer, my assault consisted of worker putting hands round my neck and pushing me onto a table with such force it broke.please only answers from serious people that can help me and scottish law if it applies thank you.

Could I have multiple sclerosis?

At 21 I never thought I would being asking this, but I do have a family history (Aunt and Grandmother) who have MS. I recently had shingles a few months ago, recently I have been having nerve pain within the last month and its been mostly nerve but also pins and needles feelings. I also started looking back and started logging my pain and conditions and also things my co-workers concerns they have had about my speech and me tripping which I think much about until just recently. On top of that I sleep more then usual and never understood why. What should I do next?

Should the U.S. abandon all private investment and switch to a Soviet-style central planning model?

Should we switch to a model where central planners in government decide the best areas for investment instead of free people making decisions in their own self interest? Would a full central planning model create maximum employment by avoiding any and all "structural issues" while at the same time providing all of the goods and services that citizens need and/or want?

Career possibilities?

I am interested in math, psychology, languages and definitely culture. I am thinking about becoming an esl teacher, but would like to know some other options I have. Thanks!

Whar does it mean when he said this?

As a guy, I can tell you that is not normal behavior for a bf. Idk why he's being so weird about going to a museum. Talk to him, but if he really won't agree to do anything besides a movie, than he isn't worth your time.

I hate the USA .... Can I get rid of or feelings for it in my genes?

Come visit, you might like it. There's many things that make is an awful country, but there are other things that make up for it, if only partially.

Could you give me good suggestion?

Since my current project is in its final stage, I would like to inform you that I am willing to do other duties that you may assign to me.

Why the gas pipe in AK 47 exposed while M16 is covered?

No, not cheap, but it was designed to be as simple as possible, as easy to repair as possible and as easy to clean and maintain as possible. The lack of a heavy wood cover (keeping in mind how old the weapon is) kept the weight down as well.

What traditional rock song (60s to early 80s) has the best lyrics?

I often teach ESL students to learn English through classic rock/soft rock music. Got any suggestions?

If you knew someone who was making a drastic mistake in picking a name for their child, would you tell them?

I once had a co-worker who was going to name her daughter Placenta. She thought it meant "peace" in Spanish. I finally broke down and told her what it really means. Thankfully, she changed the name. Should I have kept my mouth shut? Someone said I was racist for dissuading her from using the name.

Question about OCD tendency?

Think realistically. Running over someone produces a HUGE noticeable bump. You may even lose control of your car if your wheels munch over a body. The front of your car would be covered in blood and badly dented. There would be blood on your wheels, cars behind you would put on their brakes, there would be screaming, you might even get a knock from a policeman the next day. In all likelihood you've got less than a 1 percent chance to hit someone per day. Most people go their whole lives without ever hitting a pedestrian. There are things in place to prevent it. It's hugely unlikely you will ever hit someone. Relax a bit.

How do you adopt a child from the state?

I know you have to sign some papers, have a home check, and have an interview with a case worker and the child you are wanting to adopt. But what elsa? Also what are the requirements?

Would it be illegal for a teacher to indoctrinate children?

Not in religious indoctrination, but like in socialist or communist indoctrination in a public school. Like the only scenario i can think of is that you end with some teacher from the soviet union and they try to brainwash children into thinking that communism is great.

I dont want to be childdish really made me feel out of the "loop"?

Well if you guys are friends then yes it was rude, if you don't talk to them they're not really obliged to ask you although it would have been nice. Go get the lady your own gift to show that you care too. The gesture would be nice.

What are subjects that must be taught in an American Cultural Studies class for foreign esl students?

I will be teaching a class on American culture to foreign esl students in a overseas country and was wondering what topics of American culture must be covered.

Due to technological unemployment increasing should we lower the retirement age?

Republicans are trying to push raising the retirement age to get the debt ceiling raised. Last time they tried raising the retirement age in the name of fixing social security. Why should generation X and Y take a hit for the fading generations mistakes? The last thing we need is a larger worker pool and lower wages that comes from more people to choose from on top of the troop coming home to the worker pool.

How do Progressives Liberals and the Democrats plan to create Jobs private sector jobs I heard Thom Hartmann s?

How do Progressives Liberals and the Democrats plan to create Jobs private sector jobs I heard Thom Hartmann say that a Progressive Tax System will mean the business owners will keep thewir money in their business and hire more workers and or raise wages also many Right Wingers say that Progressives can only create public sector or government jobs also Democrats support tax cuts for small business but what about big businesses like IBM Apple or Microsoft they create jobs too not just overseas here in the United States of America too thank you ?

Language usage patterns?

if i entitles to do research on language usage patterns among EFL students in ESL community, what exaclty should do in this long tpoic? i means it consisted frm many means, language use, EFL students and ESL students- hw can I arrange my research? and I am really confused about which theory is suitable ?

How would you take this.?? It really isnt a big deal but, i just feel that it was a b*itchy move...&?

Confront her about it, but be nice. Ask her why she didn't include you in the gift, that you're all friends here.

I'm continously getting low marks on my grade 12 Physics unit finals...?

Maybe you can't remember everything. Sometimes and read the material and think I know it. Then when I quiz myself, I realize I don't know it. If I were you I would read all the material and take notes. I would then make questions from the notes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Drug Abuse Help (Significant Other)...?

I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half. Before we met he was into drugs. Mainly coke back then, from what he tells me. Then he moved onto prescription pain meds. He had pretty much quit doing them all together when we got together. Then after about 4 or 5 months one of his "friends" at work gave him something. I knew something was up then because straws were disappearing from the cups in his room. I flat out asked him and he told me the truth. That was about a year or so ago now and he hadn't done anything since up until recently. He started carpooling with some of his co-workers (different job than before.) I got suspicious because I could just "feel" that something wasn't right. At first I though he may have been cheating but then I asked him if he was snorting again and he admitted it. He says that he does one pill a day, max. Mostly Perc 5s.It bother's me so much that he is doing this but I don't know why or what to do? I can't tell that he's doing them because he doesn't act any different but just knowing that he is drives me nuts. I don't know why? Maybe because my mom died of an overdose (health complications got her addicted.) I don't know how to make him stop?! Just some insight would be nice... I don't have anyone to talk to about it because I'm ashamed and my family would tell me to leave him but we have a home together that we have worked hard for. I love him so much and I just want to help him. Do you think he will "grow out" of it? Note that we are only in our early 20's. Someone just please tell me something to ease my mind...

What happened in Kerch which is so important and tragic for Georgian people?

I have heard that something very bad or even tragic disaster happened to Georgian (former Soviet country Black Sea coast) people in Ukrainian town Kerch. Do you have any idea what happened there?

Where in the US is the biggest demand for ESL?

I'd say California. LA and Central Valley California (i.e Fresno, Visalia, Bakersfield). But you could probably get a job anywhere In California because the Hispanic population is increasing.

Is there any way to increase my AFQT score when I'm already in the service?

lol of course you did very well on the mathmatics portion and horrible in the english one.....hehehe asians.......

Want to be an ESL teacher.. question about my major?

Yes and you will also want to look into a minor in ESL (ELL) or Linguistics. You will also need to pass the Teachers of English Language Learners PRAXIS exam to get endorsed. Good luck!

America and Soviet Union in wars? help?!?

Open yet restricted rivalry and hostility that developed after World War II between the U.S. and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The U.S. and Britain, alarmed by the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, feared the expansion of Soviet power and communism in Western Europe and elsewhere. The Soviets were determined to maintain control of Eastern Europe, in part to safeguard against a possible renewed threat from Germany. The Cold War (the term was first used by Bernard Baruch during a congressional debate in 1947) was waged mainly on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons. It was at its peak in 1948 Р53 with the Berlin blockade and airlift, the formation of NATO, the victory of the communists in the Chinese civil war, and the Korean War. Another intense stage occurred in 1958 Р62 with the Cuban missile crisis, which resulted in a weapons buildup by both sides. A period of d̩tente in the 1970s was followed by renewed hostility. The Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Can i get my TEFL/TESL certification even if im illegal?

So i talked to my lawyer and he says i have to wait 2 or 3 more years to get my green card, My mother brought me here when i was 4 and i am now 20 years old. But i want to become an esl teacher so i can work in south korea?? Can i get my certification while im waiting for my papers? My lawyer said im not allowed to go back to mexico until i get my papers. And i really want to finish college so i can leave to korea.

What does "fancy that" mean?

I'm an ESL studant and I don1t know what that means, i see this expression the film The Dark Knight, Brucer Waye says "fancy that" and rachel says "fancy that" for Bruce

If a foster parent chose to put survivor benefits in a trust for the child...?

Money placed in a trust for a child in foster care may not be used by anyone without the authorization of the trustee in charge of managing the account. The point of the trust is to keep the funds in reserve until the child reaches an age specified in the trust, at which time he/she may receive distributions from it. None of their foster parents, now or in the future, can access the money.

What's the equivalent of these IGCSE grades I got to GPA of American system?

A grade is 4 points B grade is 3 points C grade is 2 and D is 1 add them all together and divide by the number of subjects you took. So yours would be 9x4=36 gpa 36/9=4.0

World war 3 and who will it be against and over what?

it will be russia, china and the entire middle east against Israel (and God) and it will last about half a day before Israel wins.

What happened in Kerch which is so important and tragic for Georgian people?

I have heard that something very bad or even tragic disaster happened to Georgian (former Soviet country Black Sea coast) people in Ukrainian town Kerch. Do you have any idea what happened there?

Where can I teach English as a Second Language?

Well China is the big place. I'd look there - but not just Craigs List. There are loads of other ways to attract new students.

Difference between "vision" and "voice"?

What is the difference between distinctly Australian voices and distinctly Australian visions? Both are the modules for English ESL High School Certificate in New South Wales, Australia.

How can I find out who has custody over my son? Me? The Father? Or the fathers grandma?

Okay, this is a pretty long story so here goes. I live in Georgia, and i had a son. I clearly had post partum depression, so i was still shocked that i had a baby. When he was born, and me and the father and child were in a outpatient room together, i got really depressed and went in the bathroom and started crying. The doctor asked if i was depressed and i said yes, so they sent in someone to talk to, but i was so paranoid that i thought it was a case worker to take my child away, so then she really called the social worker in. They didnt really tell me anything (at least i dont remember) but I do remember signing my rights away. i dont know if it was temporary, or permenant. The paper went over to the dad and the dads grandma, and they never gave me a copy of the paper, so i dont know if i have custody of my son or not. Plus they said i wasnt allowed to be around my son alone. How do i find out if i have any custody over my son? We didnt go to court or anything. Sometimes social workers would come over where i was living at the time which was the fathers and his grandmas place.

Why wont my Wii connect to our new wireless router?

We had a different cable and internet provider that worked with our wii up until the end when I couldnt get it to go online for Black Ops, but Netflix worked. We then changed but we didnt have wireless so we went to Best Buy and got a Net Gear wireless router. We talked to a worker who said it was compatible with the Wii. We have had it set up on one computer just fine, one of our laptops needed the disk. The Wii wont connect though, no matter what we do. We tried putting the disk in but it didnt work. How do we fix it? any help is appreciated.

If you back in time to 1945 before that Hitler committed suicide?

Death was too sweet for that man. I would prevent it and give him to someone who was going to teach him a lesson.

What are other cultures like?

I am the pariah of an all-white community. There's nothing to do, just houses and a school All I know is that the soviet union is our enemy, china is in japan, and people in England have tea with the queen. What's the soviet union like? My teacher was talking about how the U.S. is fighting it.

How many essays do you get in your college for english class?

So far in this semester i have gotten about 13 essays and 8 grammar excercises from that crazy nuts english professor. additional 5 are over due. All need to be three page long, completely accurate in grammar, and half of them need proper scholarly sources. One of them need to be 12 pages long Im like wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff… I cant fail all other classes bcuz of this. I know im very likely to fail this one, i took this thinking its an esl and might be easier. Contrary, my friend in normal english has done only 4 essays so far. This is enough discouragement for me to leave college for one semester. Im done.

Why is the Marxist Anti-Capitalist Obama in bed with Goldman Sachs & Wall Street?

The sad thing is I don't think some people on here actually got the irony of your rhetorical question, that's just how dumb some people are, even though you have made this as clear as crystal. You should submit this actually to a site like reddit.

If you could have choosen what would you have prefered more and what less that happened to Hitler?

I like the I by they bring him back terrified, horrified and ALIVE XDD,and the less the J because are more disappointing maybe even more that A because they would have been so close to getting him but missed. :C

Sam's Club or Safeway?

I would like to have a temporary job at either of these places as a cashier, a few months after graduating High School. I would probably be working there for 2-3 years while I am getting my Associate's Degree from college. Which of these two would offer a higher salary from the start? About how much money would I make per hour? Which is most likely to employ a first-time worker? Would anyone happen to know roughly how many hours I would work per week? Thanks, in advance.

Do you agree that the Soviet national anthem is the most epic national anthem in existence?

First time I've ever heard it, and I'll have to agree with you. It almost makes you want to be Russian, but without being poor, living in poverty, and overall bad health.

What is the difference between ssi / vesid / & workers comp ?

Ok I'm 18 and I have ADHD and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder I'm currently on stable meds and see a doctor ... I just would like to know what the differences are in the 3 systems of how people with disabilitys get help with funding ??? I went to my local ssi office and they rejected my request for monthly help so I think of it as no big deal ... Well I have a friend who is the same as me and he's gotten 2 settlements from vesid for 15000 dollars each ... I was wondering what would happan if I were to lose my job becuase the ssi office told me that " I havnt worked enough " I'm still young but I'm in such a struggle and need help I live at home with my 56 year old disabled mother and I make 8 bucks an hour at a local fast food joint .... There has to be a way I just don't want to contact vesid or workers comp and sound like an idiot becuase I'm not sure of what to tell them ... In my case it would be considered a mental disability and it's been diagnosed since I was 12 and what would be my options am I allowed to settle or get monthly help ??? I don't get how it works I'm still young bear with me ..

Could i have a learning disability?

i'm not trying to use any excuses. ever since i was little teachers have said im very respectful, but they've always complained that i'm doing poorly in math. i'll do fine in other subjects, maybe sometimes not consecrate, but I've always always struggled with math. all four years of highschool i had to retake my math classes at least once. i took summer school twice, and night school once, and for one semester i took it during the year. for some reason the first time i can't remember or understand anything AT ALL. then during my ACT i did poorly in math, and good in reading. when i retake the class and relearn everything it's easy peasy. i had to take summer school for math instead of graduating on time because i failed my math i'm in college and i tookthe placement test...i'm taking algebra AGAIN because i couldn't remember how to do any of the equations! during the first semester i barely passed my math class. it wasn't really all that hard, but during tests as usual i do bad, and i was really behind. the next semester i i failed my math class. i was far behind but what the teacher was teaching me didn't make any sense. in my head im like "sweet i learned this sophomore year already!" then comes the test and my mind goes blank...the only times i can remember how to do anything is when it comes to distribution or simplifying simple fractions. i have even more problems when the teacher is teaching us more then one way to do a problem i get confused to easily and feel like im having a panic attack in my head! this is the third time im taking those classes and it's stressing me out! i can't remember how to do most of the thing i already did two times before!this is the only subject i've ever had a huge problem with! the only other class I've had problems with are reading.during elementary school i had to take ESL, during jr. high i had to take read 180, but during high school i actually did pretty good and went up a level up from prairie state level (even though the stupid couceler said i was failing my english class and i had to get a statement from my teacher saying im one of his best students and deserved to move up.). i'm so damn tired of struggling with math! i'm already retaking last semester's math class and it's a little easier. even my dad has struggled to teach me my times tables and how to devide when i was 10-12! it's embarrassing not being able to remember my times tables even at this age! deviding is a lot easier but i barely started understanding it like a year ago....

Do I have a good chance of getting into Notre Dame, Hopkins, or any Ivies?

All we really need to know is your unweighted GPA, approximate class rank, SAT/SAT II scores, what you plan to major in, and how you've stood out in that field to impress top schools. None of which you gave here. If it's math and science, the related clubs are a good start, but getting involved in those fields themselves would have been much better. Based on all this, probably a below average shot at those schools.

How much should I charge my co-worker for setting up her new laptop?

Smile, charge her nothing and tell her if she needs anything just to let you know. You might need her help in the future. And maybe you will be closer with her now. Friends are better than money.

Is This a good plot for a novel, what can i do to improve it?

I don't think there is much to criticize about. It's good. Suspense-filled (to me). It's well written. But, the thing that bothers me is if you're going to use the quotations in your story on master, high, Blood Skulls, The Pythons, and lair.

Would it be embarrasing to get dropped off at prom by your family?

No not at all! Haha who cares who gives you a ride....its a RIDE! lol dont worry about it noone will pay any attention to it. Besides if they do, they'll forget soon. Like for example if your a guy like me, you might have some guys joke around with you about it. But who gives a dam. haha they wont remember in 10 minutes anyway lol. dont worry about it

Training other workers in mexico?

the owner of the company i work for wants to send me to mexico to train other employees there for a month or two. if it was u what would u see it benefiting u in what way as far as raises..benefits..etc

Where do I begin as an ESL tutor for two young Korean children?

I've recently been asked to be an ESL tutor to four and six year old Korean girls. I do not know any Korean! Any tips or ideas on where I should begin with them?

Moving from Taiwan to China (PRC)?

You need a work visa to work legally in the PRC. Your employer is supposed to do the paper work on that.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What is a major event that occurred between the Soviet Union and Germany?

I'm making a venn diagram and i have to have at least one similar historical event, or event they were both involved in. i already have world war 2

What will be the outcome of my interview?

Hi. Previously I had 2 interviews with the same hospital. They called me third time for an interview. I told them in the interview why again and again I am unsuccessful? and why are you inviting me again and again and they were laughing in the interview. well before going to interview I rang them and ask the same question. because all the time I had to cancel my shift and give the interview,then they says unsuccessful. in the first interview they had problem with my residency status, then in second interview they said still come because they don't have problem with the my non-residence status anymore I thought this time I will get the job, again I got shock when I found unsuccessful. third time gave an interview and she was asking me because it's hard to decide because there is only one position this time and she was asking me again will you come fourth time and they were laughing again I felt they were making fun of me by calling me again and again, I think they are jealous or may be I am wrong. I tell you one experience of my interview. I gave an interview in different hospital, where 4 people were taking my interview. One lady asked me are you nervous and I said no. then she was surprised asking me you not nervous..I said no..again are you sure I said no. then other people started asking me question I answered all of them with confident and they were very impressed and they said oh your interview was excellent well done, we want to give you job right now but let see what HR says about your residence status and the first lady who asked me question was so jealous and talking to other lady oh he is not permanent resident yet, we can't give him job, his interview was alright but not excellent, I was listening secretly her from behind. I am pretty sure they will say unsuccessful this time. At my current work place my all bosses are very happy with my work they call me number one hard worker, but if I get new job is one minute walk from my house and my current job make me travel every day 2 hours. can any one tell me please what will be the outcome of my interview?. if they say no I am not going and again to waste my time.

I have a question about illegal immigration?

I went to visit my aunt down in southern California (we are African American) and she and other African Americans and a lot of other White people were talking about illegal immigration. They were not saying any racial slurs but most of them were talking about moving to another state like in the Northeast somewhere. I asked my Aunt why and she and the others said they were tired of the current situation. The whole time they were all complaining about how in other states the schools still had music, athletic, and drivers ed programs, but they did not in their schools because the school system had to cut those programs to pay for ESL teachers. ( what is that?) Also one of the white guys made a joke and everybody lauged except me because I did not get it. He said ''all the American citizens/taxpayers should move.'', then the guy standing next to him said '' Well then who will pay for all the programs the illegal immigrants need ?!'' I do not understand what they mean, I thought the federal government paid for all those programs not them. Were they talking about taxes paid to the county, state, or federal government? Can someone please explain?

What video was tosh and his coworkers watching on tosh.0?

the end of the episode where the turtle kid gets a web redemption,... he shows himself and his co workers watching a video but he doesnt say what it is. what vid was we watching ? did he ever say?

What do I do if a boss is a good friend of a coworker who has sexually harassed me?

I work for a large retail chain and I was put into a position in the backroom to take care of overstocked merchandise. One of the coworkers, who has worked there for three years and is friends with one of the managers, took me into the small receiving room to show me how to bin the merchandise. While there (the area was very small) he started to tell me of a tattoo he has on his private area. When I tried to talk to a manager in private I was told that this coworker is a great worker and that we would just have to get alone. Mind you, I did NOT tell him the exact conversation out of embarrassment. It has been about five months and even though the coworker hasn't said anything else about that conversation, he does make grunts and moaning noises when I am on a ladder, but doesn't do it around other coworkers. When I tried to ignore this coworker or let him know I do not like him, I was taken out of the area and placed in very difficult areas of the store by the manager who is his friend. What can I do to stay in the area that I am very good at and keep my distance from the coworker and the manager? Also, I just filed a report about the incident and I was told at least twice in the meeting that "if I am believed" something would be done. It is my word against his and according to my other bosses no one has ever complained about this particular employee but me. I know that is a lie because everyone talks about how this coworker is. Can I lose my job over this? Can the company move me instead of him because he has been there longer?

Many worker bees give their lives to save a bee hive from an attack by bears or other animals. In such cases,?

Ok you have narrowed it down to 50/50. Now look at the 2 possible selections. Which one makes the least sense in the scenario?

To become an ESL teacher, how much schooling do I need?

I am currently a junior political science major, I understand that to become a certified TESOL I would need to probably pursue education at the master's level. The main question is do I necessarily need to be bilingual? I understand it would make a better educator but could I still be successful in the career and attain a job if I am not fluent in another language?

Ex husband called CPS for a dog bite?

Maybe you should be a woman and stop battling for a child you created together. You both have equal rights and the government shouldn't be working out your immature problems. CSP is nothing but bullshit mafia that will take the kid away from one of you and put the other in position to be jailed. I suggest you dumb asses work out your differences and act like adults that can handle a simple sharing situation.

History multiple choice question please help (:?

The answer is "A." At the time, the Korea conflict was not considered a peace keeping enforcement operation under Chapter VII of the UN Charter because it was not under the control of the Security Council. Also there was the question of which China (People's Republic or Taiwan) should be represented in the U.N. and the Security Council.

Why are people soo quick to judge?

People fear things they know nothing about. If they knew more about your daughters condition then maybe that would help. Then again, there are a lot of ignorant people out there.


Be honest and tell him your situation. Explain that you enjoy the job but that the current project seems to have less going on and that for that reason you don't have much work to do. If he can help you, he will find more work to do if that is what you want. Otherwise, he may just tell you to deal with the current project till it finishes and a new one comes up. I think this is a temporary situation. Make sure the letter is short and simple. Your boss is busy and will not have time for a long letter. Also let someone you trust read it so that you have written it well without errors. You don't want to have mistakes in a letter you write to your boss of course.

What's ur opinion of this girl getting fired for wearing hijab?

I think it's a really mean and cruel thing to do. I am Muslim and I wear the hijab because of my religion. They should respect that.

What do you think about this girl?

She's probably just likes you as a guy friend. I have a boyfriend. I also talk to another guy, but not like actually "talking" to him if you know what I mean. He is my best guy friend.

5 Facts that Democrats Hate?

0bama was born in kenya, 0bama is a marxist, 0bama has increased the federal deficit more than all presidents combined, 0bama is muslim, 0bam hates America

Why does Samaritan's Purse spend more gov't monies on "evangelising" than actual aid in disaster relief?

Why has the Jerry Lewis telethon raised over 2 billion dollars for muscular dystrophy yet nothing has been accomplished with that money??

Was Soviet reconstruction of Afghanistan better than what NATO achieved in the current war?

The Soviet's did not do any significant reconstruction in Afghanistan. They were not out to win hearts or minds.

Can I get into National Honors Society?

I'm currently in 9th grade, going to 10th, and I'm a straight A student. I am in 2 honors classes NOW, next year I will be in 2 honors (english and social studies, honors is the highest) and 1 college class (Chemistry). I will be in regular math though... I tutor little kids for volunteer work 2 days a week, I help kids who are ESL kids once a week, I am in orchestra and chorus, I volunteer at a hospital over the summer. Next year, I will join French club I think. Can I get into NHS on this role? Thanks

Do these sentences have the same meaning or not?

none of these are the same. B is saying that you are surprised to learn, and this is not a reptile. G would be the best way to get your point across.

I was just denied a work related accomadation from my employer do i qualify for UI benifits?

i was on workers comp. for a year due to job related injury, now im being denied a work accomodation

Why did the FBI spy on Albert Einstein?

Because Einstein was an unapologetic socialist, and hoover was a conservative who saw commies everywhere.

Where can I find students for my online English School?

I am an American senior reporter and I have just started an online English School after teaching ESL with the public school system. Where can I find students who need an English tutor or who want to improve their English skills?

What does "in which" that comes after a sentence?

can anyone explain what ".......... in which ........." means? i see it appear inbetween sentences but i cant get a good grasp at what it means... im in ESL class

I already took 3 yrs of Spanish at my high school and I want to go to Harvard. What should i do?

I've taken the highest Spanish course offered at my high school (AP Spanish Literature). Freshman year I took 1 semester of Spanish 2, then skipped to Spanish 3H for 2nd semester, Sophomore year i took Spanish 4H, and then junior year I took AP Spanish Literature (skipping AP Spanish Language). I know that most colleges want 4 years of a foreign language (I would imagine Harvard more than the rest). What should I do? Should I take another course at a local community college, teach an ESL class, etc? Any ideas? Thanks!

The head of HR called me “elephant”!?

The head of HR called me “elephant” in the office when a few other co-workers heard it as well, because I was wearing a gray top that day and I was 8 months pregnant, she sounded like she was making a joke, is that some kind of harassment? Since she is the head of HR, I don’t know what to do...

Why did so many employers drop health care coverage for their employees during The Bush Years?

But democrats already addressed the problem. It's called Obamacare. Oh wait, that doesn't address the problem, that's just more government control and spending.

Choose your Hell-Hole?

5) FantaWorld: Everything is orange, and very noisy. Crazy-eyed girls run up to you shouting "WANTA FANTA?". If you refuse, they shoot you. Consequently, most people refuse.

Did the former Soiviet Union create a race of super boxers?

In the movie Rocky 4 Ivan Drago was doing anabolic steroids and other enhanced training methods. This is actually based in fact. We have this big freak of nature Nikolai Sergeyevich Valuev and the klitscho brothers also Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko the Russian mma guy. There's also many champions from many sports in the former Soviet Union. What do you think?

What form of accomodation were citizens of the soviet union allocated?

Curious to know the details of an average middle class family during the soviet union 1970's-1980's- what form of housing would one be allocated e.g. Aparment blocks, terrace housing etc. I would be very grateful for a detailed answer with some example's;for example image's or keywords to use to do some research.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why are there Neo Nazi gangs in Russia?

Believe it or not, those nazi gangs are completely inflated by western media. The Nazi movement is not nearly as big in Russia as how western media portrays it.

Is Google likely to change the Android platform to another programming language other than java?

You don't have to use Java to create Android apps. Other alternatives include PhoneGap, Titanium, Senza and Adobe Air.

How much should I charge my co-worker for setting up her new laptop?

Smile, charge her nothing and tell her if she needs anything just to let you know. You might need her help in the future. And maybe you will be closer with her now. Friends are better than money.

Good paying jobs In Germany?

I will be graduating high school next year and I want to figure out what I want to major in. Pretty much I just want a job I will be able to have a good income off of. Right now I live in the U.S. But I want to move to Germany after college. What career will allow me to be able to make enough money to live in a city like Berlin. I've done my share of the research too. I already know that living in the Europe area is a lot more expensive then the US. I thought of Becoming an ESL teacher because thats supposed to be in high demand and pretty good pay but i'm just not sure. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Laws against HEAT in businesses in MA?

There is this Dunkin Donuts in my town that has a very old AC and it freezes over all the time and they have to shut the AC off and the workers are stuck working in it. The owners do not buy any fans no additional AC's.... nothing. Today it was over 100 degrees that the workers had to endure. Are they breaking any law. Is there someone or some organization that could put a stop to it? Anything will help thank you very much

How many American ESL teachers will return to their homeland as Chinese spies?

hiring an american esl teacher to be a spy is a very stupid thing. esl teachers are usually unemployable beer binging louts back in the US.

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

Where should I advertise my ESL Skype lessons?

I'm a college ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor in the US, and I want to put an ad for Skype lessons on Craigslist. I would never meet the student in person, and I would charge them via PayPal. Where should I put the ad? To start out, I was thinking of putting one somewhere in the US and one in another country.

What would you do if you saw this?

so across my house there is a house that has people that are mentally challenged and they have workers that come and watch them. i am not trying to be racist but the people that take care of them are African american. well i would always hear screaming from that house and i would here the workers saying f**k you and this and etc.. my mother and brother saw the workers pull on them like get there shirt and pull them towards them and my brother saw one of the workers pull a guy by his feet like dragging him. i want to go to the authorities or someone that is in charge of it but my mom said no what happens if they knew it was us, they could do something to us. i was like so you just want to site here and let that happen, what do u think i should do?

Is it true that bolt action rifles are obsolete in modern combat?

I think they still have a purpose with snipers mostly because they are very accurate and easy to maintain out in the field.

Can you give me the name of this novel?

it's written at the Soviet era, about a regimen in the world war two, and i think the name of the Writer is alexander something... and to be more specific the story takes place at 1941, and sadly that's all i can say... so if you have a novel like this in Your mind just tell me and maybe i could be lucky and it turns out to be it,

I am Interested in Teaching English Abroad. i Need help answering a few questions.?

TEFL/TESOL graduates become ESL/EFL teachers. You don't need any experience in most countries. A degree and a reputable TEFL/TESOL certificate will get you a job. A good TEFL/TESOL course includes grammar. It is also very beneficial to be a native speaker.

Which political party says this?

The __________ Party USA is the party of and for the U.S. working class, a class which is multiracial, multinational, and unites men and women, young and old, employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural, and composed of workers who perform a large range of physical and mental labor—the vast majority of our society. We are the party of the African American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, all other Latino American, Native American, Asian American, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.

Is it legal to hire an unskilled worker for higher wages than you a skilled worker?

yes. this is america, the land of opportunity. education can be a fact in wages too not just experience, but yes legal

Is the world like this today?

I live in this really remote area. My history teacher says that the Soviet Union is our enemy, Japan is in China, Indian people ride elephants, and that American TV shows are dubbed into British. Also, America is attacking Japan over some incident. Why should I be worried about the Soviet Union in today's world?

Are Aries guys the most judgmental? Why?

I went out with an aries guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

I'm a cashier in Target and one of my Gstl doesn't like me, well she never did.?

Take it to HR before this woman gets you fired. Don't make the same mistake she is and let the personal stuff interfere with your job.

What's it like being a licensed clinical social worker?

I've decided to pursue a career in social work. I want to be a lcsw. I need to know what all you can do, salary, benefits, and education. I also want to know if there are any study or work abroad oppurtunites.


4) nope not at all.The American Dream can be described as a belief in freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States of America to achieve their goals in life through hard work. Today, in America it generally refers to the idea that one's prosperity depends upon one's own abilities and hard work, not on a rigid class structure, though the meaning of the phrase has changed over America's history. For some, it is the opportunity to achieve more prosperity than they could in their countries of origin; for others, it is the opportunity for their children to grow up with an education and career opportunities; for others, it is the opportunity to be an individual without the constraints imposed by class, caste, race, or ethnicity.the American dream is so hard and i can't help but to say i hate it.

Which of the two parties, on the opposite sides of the Atlantic, are more left wing?

America is a very right-wing country. Your Democrats are to the right of the Conservative party, let alone Labour.

My mom says she just took a "box of sleeping pills"?

It's 11:21pm and I have 2 finals tomorrow and need to study or sleep. About 20 minutes ago my brother came into my room and told me our mom said she took "a box of sleeping pills." Like approx 20-30. But now we ask her again and she says she was "flurry" and only took 3. I know she's the type to exagerate and is really a drama queen... don't know what to do. Don't want to call 911 cos I won't get sleep or studying. Dad's divorced. Grandparents on mom's side are ESL and I can't explain to them in chinese. What should I do? :S

My co-worker's picture is offensive, should I tell my boss?

We have a company board at work where we post pictures of our families, company events, etc. One of the Senior management got a signed picture of a NFL cheerleader and posted it. I really don't think it's appropriate to have in the workplace in a very public area-- I don't care if he has it in his office but I don't want to walk past it every day. I think it's inappropriate in an office environment and don't want to have to look at it. Should I tell my boss and have it taken down or just suck it up?

Would it be bad if i got a ussr license plate?

in my town (im a high schooler) any way all the RedNeck boys have rebal flags every were and it offends me couse im half african american and russian mother grandmother grandad and so on were born in the ussr so if they can show their heritage with confederate flags why cant i show mine with the soviet flag

My dads company is shutting down!!?

So my dad has worked at paper mill for 35 years now and his company is shutting down. The first 25 years he was a regular worker, the last 10 years he was upgraded to a foreman. So first 25 years he was in the union, last 10 years he wasnt. He is to old to find another decent job id imagen...... My main question is how much do you thin he'll get for retirement or what will happen in general? he made on average $20.00 an hour over his time working there.

Good song for ESL class?

I teach at a junior college, and I know that a number of ESL instructors select rhyming songs that alternatively emphasize the articulation of consonants and vowels. You could contact the heads of any college in the states teaching ESL, or you can visit their websites and look for their on-line ESL links. There are too many to mention here, but you can try and look for the ESL department and e-mail one of the instructors for tips. Publishers also have ESL exercises on-line.

Which people are more "Serious" on average and why? : the Germans or the Russians?

I work with a Russian guy and I can tell you he is the most funny bonkers guy I have ever met. Most Russians like drinking. Germans are more serious imo.

Is translating a good way to learn a language?

I'm an ESL teacher in Korea and my students' writing is absymal. They keep translating from Korean to English, even though I specifically told them it's bad to translate directly and they need to think in English. But since they're all doing it, I figured the least I could do is guide them in their translation. So I planned to give them a Korean text, have them translate that into English (and get their translations checked by me), and then write another similar topic in English. By doing that, I hope they'll learn the correct English expressions instead of expressions directly translated from Korean. Is this a good idea?

Should I quit my job?

stick with it . I was fired from my job and can't find stable work since. You may not like however it is better than being broke.

Whats wrong with my brother?

He can be loving sometimes but I find him extremelly weird. He's really peverted like he would just slap my ***, or my dad's , and even my mom's or even squeeze it. He would just say "butt slap" or butt in spanish which is "culo". Or sometimes he would go up to my dad and poke his nipple and say "nipple" like a little kid. Once in a while he would go up to me or my mom and poke us on our nipple and say "boobie" like a little kid. I know I shouldnt be letting him do that to me but it just happens so fast and quickly when he does something like that and it's really annoying. But he usually does all that stuff to be funny but to me he's just being a pain in the ***. But is he normal? Do you know any guys who act like him? Is there something wrong with his brain (he's in esl too just saying , i'm not trying to be rude but it's true) ? Is it normal for some guys to act like this? Is there something wrong with my brother? I mean like he is a normal guy like he has friends and have this guyish attitude and be really cool but his pervertness is just.... Is there something wrong with him?(i swear i asked that question twenty gazallion times but I'm asking it again? I'm getting worried and a bit scared. :O

Teaching English abroad....what can you tell me?

In general you'll need a degree and a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate to get a visa and work. The degree can be in almost any subject as it is usually required for the visa only so you will find teachers with a degree in Engineering or Sociology. Having said this, to help get the job it's obviously better to be English or language related, for example a degree in English literature. The TEFL certificate can be taken either in-house or online at your own pace which is a much cheaper option (see a href="" rel="nofollow"

What does a Child Protective Service worker inspect at a house?

My one yr fell and I took him to the hospital for precaution at the hospital they called CPS even though he was fine & was just cuts and scrapes. Now they won't let him come home until they do an inspection. What do they generally look at?

Awkward!!! Why did he say that to me? Hidden meaning?

A guy co worker that I really like told me that he went to the beach alone until sunset last week. He said that he saw a lot of people with their significant others. We talk a lot about family, friends and life in general. I was wondering if he likes me back? What do you think?

ESL teachers, do you enjoy your job?

I think it would be rewarding teaching people just coming to the country how to speak the language and help them integrate into society.

How do I avoid negativity when I felt judged on a date?

I went out with an guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why is Japan the only developed country in Asia (read carefully please)?

Immigrants from almost all Asian countries (including India) seem to do well in America. Why is Japan the only one that is rich? After all, they were the only one to declare war on America, unless you count Vietnam! I know America helped to industrialize Japan along with Germany, Israel and other countries after World War II. But that raises another question: why did America do so much to help countries that were hostile to it? Were the Russians/Soviets really an enemy? Why have we let them starve to this day? Why do we let Africans starve and even their descendants in our own country? If America actually thanked the communists for their help in fighting the Nazis, would the Cubans/Vietnamese have left us alone?

Tutoring Oral English to ESL Student?

A good way to start is to use authentic material like simple newspaper articles and other things that interest him, for example stories, stuff about computers etc. Make the lessons fun by using role-play and other games. For example when teaching him vocabulary you can use a ball that he must catch and everytime he drops it, he he has to say three or four related words to the one you gave him, or for spelling- let him spell them, or maybe have him use them in sentences. Use lots of pictures and have him talk, write, read and listen to something based on that article, story etc. As the former suggested, ensure that the 4 skills are used in every lesson. When he is speaking you can correct him but only if he is doing grammar. If he is expressing himself don't interrupt as it can undermine his conference and he may not want to speak. Instead take a note of what is incorrect and make a lesson of it another time. Remember the more practice he gets the more he will improve.

What happens in Soviet Russia?

Well the U.S. handed your a55es to you in the 80's, so we'll do it again. You'll be nice is what you'll do.

Please answer the following questions about the Soviet Union...?

Stalin is evil because he killed 25 million people in camps to purify his totalitarian regime. This is also why people say they are responsible for so many deaths. Along with the fact the when Berlin was cut in half the people on the soldier union side where killed for trying to cross into American controlled berlin. The soviet union is bad because they used a system socialism. Socialism makes most citizens poor without a chance ti become rich. Living in the solviet union sucked because almost everyone was poor and many peoples rights where taken from them.

Do you care what your classmates or co-workers say/think about you?

If you classmates or co-workers do not like you because of you are less attractive would it bother you. There is a guy that I work with and some of the people do not like him because he is not the most attractive. And because he is not the most attractive, he is not well respected by the other co-workers. It seems like in today's world if you aren't the most handsome or the most beautiful, people aren't going to have much respect for you.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!????

Why can't the British pronounce 'th' properly?

They give off an 'f' sound instead. Somefing instead of something. Fing instead of thing. They lack pronunciation capabilities in many other words. Maybe they should look into taking ESL classes.

Simple ESL Conversations?

when ur teaching a new lenguage for a student theres 3 things thats matters lisenting speaking writing so just try to cover those 3 and youll be allrite

I'm an ESL student. Which sentence is better?

B is better with a few little corrections: "The relationship between the amount of food and the population of the earth has been changing."

Question regarding world war 2 holocausts?

Only the Jews are important. The soviet holocaust was self imposed, and the Japs made nice with the U.S. after the bombs, so these events are just footnotes.

Im having trouble and my parents and teachers don't give a ****?

im 14 and in ninth grade my first language is polish and my second is english at school it feels like my english teacher hates me i find it hard to spell and have good grammer during my english classes i find it hard to write long sentances my english teacher always yells at meand she says "blah blah balh your not metaly disabled blah blah blah " then she says somthing i dont understand and the she says do you understand what i just said and then i say "no" then she makes a fool out of me. one day i told my friends that i think i should go to esl (english as a second language)its like english but easier) so now im asking you! what should i do my teacher makes a fool out of me, no one knws my second language is english im failing english and i feel like running away becuase im scared the teacher would tease me again

How is your Starbucks?

If you are a regular Starbucks goer how us your service typically? And how often does your beverage get screwed up? Mine gets messed up a lot it seems just silly things, I can tell they were just not listening lol Starbucks deticates a lot of time promoting customer service to the workers, do you find them premo when it comes to service?

Is this understanding right?

Your understanding of the wording is correct - the product should not be used after the end of April 2013. However a lot depends on the product. I often use food items that are past their 'use-by date' but they are still perfectly ok as long as they do not contain protein.

Is it ok to have a glass of wine during a out to eat lunch with co-workers?

We are going to this nice restaurant for lunch to celebrate a co-workers retirement. I am wondering what is the educate when it comes to having a drink during a work day? I am not trying to get drunk but thought it would be nice to have wine with a nice meal. This is the US if it matters.

Nazi Germany vs modern day taliban.?

The Nazis were never able to defeat the resistance and partisan fighters so I doubt they would defeat the Taliban.


hello guys need a bit of help with this. ive watched the first 3 episodes but ive missed the last 2 episodes im a very busy man. is there a website i can watch them for free but in English. ive tried youtube but no luck. help guys

Where can 14 year olds work at?

My younger sister is turning fourteen next summer and is going to obtain her workers permit. She really wants to work at like an amusement park, but I told her I didn't think she was old enough to operate any rides or anything. So can somebody give me a list of available jobs? Please remember that we are in Pennsylvania. Thank you so much!

Did Soviet central planners prove their superiority by producing goods no matter what people actually wanted?

For example Soviet central planners dictated what would be made, like shoes, in various sizes, etc., without regard to what citizens actually wanted or needed. With President Obama declaring innovation is a "structural issue" in the economy that must be met with a government response, is the Soviet model superior and should therefore be adopted in America? Is there anything Americans would love more than ill-fitting shoes that government decided needed to be produced?

How will history remember President Nixon?

He ended Vietnam War. He took us off of the Gold Standard. He was the first President to visit China. He met with the Soviets in Russia.

Does not USA embassy like to approve visa for student who is going to study in ESL?

I studied in english language course for 1 one year in Bulgaria now i decided to continue studying english in USA. How will react USA embassy for my decision?

What would happen if our soldiers wore solid colors & used G3 rifles?

Solid colors are easy to see against other colors for example almost invisible against a sand dune, highly visible against a building. For the weapon it has to shoot 5.56 bullets are important it has to shoot NATO rounds. Or 7.79 mm rounds.

What career is right for me?

Personally I'd consider starting off on the ground floor (as it were) doing something straightforward like teaching English. Once you've got a few years experience and know the country a little better you can look at joining a volunteer organisation. They are professional and want people with both experience and knowledge so your having spent a few years teaching in country will be benefit. You may then be able to move into different areas.

Is it ok to have a glass of wine during a out to eat lunch with co-workers?

We are going to this nice restaurant for lunch to celebrate a co-workers retirement. I am wondering what is the educate when it comes to having a drink during a work day? I am not trying to get drunk but thought it would be nice to have wine with a nice meal. This is the US if it matters.

Workers permit in Illinois?

i live in illinois and i would like to get a workers permit. i know you have to be 15 and i about to turn it. i just need to know how to get it

What would the USA be like today if the Soviets won the Cold War?

I am NOT talking about a nuclear exchange what I mean is if the Soviets were able to invade the USA and turn it Communist what would it be like today?

How do I find an ESL job in Hong Kong?

Sheffied Haworth is a big placement agency in Hong Kong, you should easily find their contacts in the web. Check and good luck!

Friday, July 15, 2011

What happened to the 1955 Soviet teenage defector Valery Lysikov?

He was adopted by an American family, William and Martha Kilmer. He converted to Methodist-ism, joined the Boy Scouts of America, and the California Theater institute. He landed a job as an assistant to Steven Speiberg and thats how he was discovered. He later went on to play various roles including Batman.

Journalism? What do you think?

I think you have to be able to gather and analyse information to be a journalist. The writing follows from that.

How can I make myself stand out as an elementary teacher?

I have my BA in Education Studies and have my (pending) certification. It would be complete certification if I could get a job and complete my KTIP (for KY teachers). The problem is, I can't get a teaching job. How can I make myself stand out to principals and employers? I am thinking of either getting my ESL endorsement or continuing to learn Chinese (Mandarin) - which I have JUST started to learn. Which would be best? Other ideas? Thanks!

Your problems with democratic socialism?

When many people think of socialism, they think of the soviet union or communist china. these societies were authoritarian, which nobody wants, be it capitalist or communist; so what's the problem with a socialism that implements democracy? Many also believe that socialism and communism are one in the same, this however is untrue because with socialism, one still has the freedom to become wealthy, to own his/her own business, and to work any occupation he or she chooses. Many dislike socialism because of the taxes that come with it, saying that it is stealing their money. But is that how you feel about your taxes being spent on roads, schools, libraries, police, and fire departments? One thing I find very strange about these people is that they don't mind a child having a free education from a public school, but for some reason they dislike that same child going to a doctor when her parents can't afford it themselves. So my question is, what are your problems with democratic socialism?

What led the Soviets to blockade West Berlin?

If memory serves me right none of the above. What was happening was everyone was trying to get in and stay in West Berlin. At one time it was okay to work there but after a while when the people saw that Socialism does work they started staying. The Soviets realized that their 'brains' were being drained so they put a stop to it. Many people were killed trying to escape into West Berlin. It got so bad that the US had to air lift in supplies to the city. Didn't you read all of this in your history books. Shame on those socialist teachers you had in grade school. Now you know why we need to get back to studying our history.

Any advice????:'(? I need help-.-?

You see I'm a former esl student(English as a second language) and this semester I moved to a regular English class..and today we have to debate...I'm not good at speaking infront of people ..and I screwed it ...I stuttered and my English is messy it's like no one can understand me..even my crush laughed at me???any advice and also how can I forget this incident?

Have you been out with someone who expected perfection/high expectations from you?

I went out with a guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better...

There's this cute girl...does she like me?

It looks like she likes you! She sounds shy thus won't accept the fact that she has the hots for you, but don't just go and ask her out. Look for signs; does she blush when you're around, does she laugh at EVERY joke you crack (lame ones, too), does she look at you most of the time in class when you're not looking? If yes, then go ask her out!

Ok, capitalism has it's many flaws. What is an ethical alternative?

Socialism is the forced confiscation of a man,s earned wealth and given to those who did not earn it.Can you please tell me how that could ever be considered ethical?

If a college student comes to the US to study abroad and their English is so-so, what happens?

Like, do they have ESL classes in universities too? I'm going to a college in China right now where you first spend a year in intensive Chinese-language classes before sending you into the normal classes with native speakers at the university, and I was wondering how it's done in the US since never knew how it worked.

Someone called DCF/CPS on us and DCF is wanting to see proof our child is up to date on shots?

I have heard from reliable sources that your kids do not HAVE to have the shots, and that one could legally say it is for religious reasons. I think you may have to get a note from a pastor possibly. I know several people who never got their kids shots for different reasons. You do have that right.

How to live and work in Germany for a US Citizen?

Very possible. get a self employment visa. More details and lots of links are here, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What if the 2008 financial crisis never happened?

And will America ever enjoy the same level of global influence they did from the Collapse of the Soviet Union until the 2008 financial crisis?

Canada Post Strike Unreasonable?

Do you feel that Canada Post workers are asking for too much or that they are asking for what they deserve?

Should I work at Starbucks for a first job?

Personally I think you're too young and I think the demands of orders coming in so quickly would make you go crazy.

Amity ESL interview and the lesson demo ideals?

I currently have an interview with Amity, I have created some lesson plans that are 30 minutes long and 5 minutes long. I was wandering if anyone has had an interview with Amity and succeeded in getting a position, and if so any good pointers on what I should do my lesson plan on. I would really appreciate it if you can give me some helpful hints on what My lesson plan, so far I have a lesson on possessive usage as well an activity. Thank You.

DCF wants to talk to my son alone?

DCF was called on us earlier this month, all was lies. I let them talk to my son alone (just him and the case worker). They want to do a follow up to see he is a good weight for his age, up to date on shots and stuff. I know they are going to want to talk to him alone again. I didn't/don't have anything to hide so I let him talk to them the first time alone (also didn't think I had an option). I've been reading up on it now though, is it correct that I can have another adult present while they talk to him? For instance, would my dad (child's grandfather) be ok? Or a neighbor that lives across the street from me? I have an appointment in two days to do the follow up talk, not sure what this means, but I assume they want to talk to my son. I only got the message left on my phone by the caseworker, they set up the appointment at 11am for us with two days notice, we have work and that is the time we go to library storytime. I don't know if they are coming to our house or are wanting us to drive somewhere, I called her back but left a message, she hasn't got back to me. So can I have another adult present while they do that? If I can, and she doesn't want to allow it, is there a document i can print to show her that it is our right?

I want to......before its too late?

I want to know how it feels, to call up a friend when i have a secret to tell. I want to know how it feels, to be excited again. I would love to know, how to love. I want to know, how does it feel to be the person that everyone loves and admire. I want to know, when will I ever change and stop keeping myself from so much that i could be doing, all the fun that i could be having. I want to know when will be the day that i wake up and just laugh and cry for no reason just because im happy. I want to know when will i ever stop being so distant from myself and the world at times. I just would love to still be that good girl but just with a little edge that isn't afraid to loosing up and just live life from time to time. I want to laugh again, and stop being so serious. I want to smile again, and not be so serious. I want to smile and show some teeth, without being so self conscious. I want to get up and dance without caring who's watching. I want a guy to approach me, without intimidating him anymore. I want a big team of constriuction workers to come and tear this wall down that i have up, i just want to feel free from myself. I keep stopping myself from living life, do u have any advice??

Why are White people in interracial relationships being often despised in countries where Whites live?

Where I work I have friends of almost everywhere, first I asked about what they think of interracial marriages and love, my White American and Canadian friends started kidding Whites who are in interracial marriages, then I asked my White South American friends, same reaction, then I asked my European friends, same reaction, I also asked my White Arab friends (from North Africa and the north of the Middle East (descendants of Arabized Europeans)), still same reaction, so I asked my White South African and Namibian friends, always the same answer, then I asked my friend from the countries of the ex Soviet Union, and same reaction adding that they don't like Eastern Asians like the Qazaqs in Kazakhstan and other countries ... why is that??

What kind of stuff do I need to teach in china?

I want to be a esl (english teacher) in china or asia, but i don't what kind of certificate or skills needed for that; other than esl certificate. i also want to teach other subjects. I'm taking Mandarin, but do i need to go to school to be a teacher or some thing else. Also what schools will help in in that area of work?

Is San Francisco State a hard university to get into?

I live in Peru right now but I used to live in Florida and I want to go to SFSU because it sounds like an amazing school to me. I've had some issues with grades in the past but now I'm pretty good, I go to a private school and for the past 2 years I've been in all IB Diploma classes although I don't plan on taking the IB exams. I've been dancing the national dance of Peru (La Marinera Norte�a) For about a few months now and I have community service hours. Also I learn Mandarin Chinese in my spare time, I have been studying it for 3 years and I plan on taking the SAT's in October. I've also been in my school choirs for 10 years. I also teach English to kids here in Peru as volunteer work, and I want to be an English teacher teaching ESL because it is one of my passions. What are my chances in getting into the university I want to get into?

Do you guys dislike your Co-Workers?

I do. They're always complaining & bi+ching at me to quit masturbating in my cubicle. It's like they're not even greatful that i stopped doing it in the lunchroom.

Should i tell my ex to call me?

Yes! You'll both feel better about the situation after talking it out, cause chances are, he didn't feel too good/clarified about the breakup and the reasons why it happened. Maybe you guys might get back together after talking it through! Hope i helped :)

In Your Opinion, How Do You Define a 3rd/2nd World Country?

This system is based on quality of life. With the present administration in place we sould become 3rd world as soon as soros is done.

Teaching ESL with CELTA certificate?

I am 18 and wanting to be CELTA certified (which is the easy part) next Spring in Hungary. Considering my age, lack of experience, and lack of higher level education, would it still be possible for me to find ESL jobs for Summer courses? Thanks!

Deposit for a photographer for a wedding?

If no contract was signed, and no receipt was given, your "photographer" should be able to give you the money back. Also, depending on how long ago the check was written and cashed, you could always put a stop on the check and get it back that way lol. She doesn't sound very legit or professional, especially if she didn't have a contract or give a a receipt upon payment of the deposit.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Please help me explaining this quote? ESL?

The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is vast and we are so small. There is really only one thing we can ever truly control... whether we are good or evil

Why is my speaking ability so much worse than my writing ability?

It may be that you're better at writing. But it is more likely that you are nervous when speaking and you don't have the time to think about it. It is natural for virtually everyone to be like that.

Would you be upset if...your coworkers did this?

I think it would have been better if they had asked you and the fourth woman to go in with them. Maybe they happened to be somewhere together, saw something they thought would be the ideal gift, and bought it. It is understandable for you to be mildly upset, but it is not important enough to create an issue.

My mom is being bullied at her work because she can't speak english very well?!?

it's starting to piss me off. she's smart and came here as an immigrant from korea... she's 43 and a nurse for senior home care, which is very diffulcult but she struggled her way up without knowing any english, now her co workers are bulling her for having a ******* accent... what can i do? i'm 14 thanks!

Am I civilly liable for trying to get someone fired?

I am currently facing criminal harassment charges for contacting a person's job and sharing information (all true) about their alcohol abuse and psychiatric issues in an attempt to get them fired. They were put on probation--not fired--and then terminated months later when the employer laid off 10% of it's workers. My lawyer has said I'm lucky to not be facing a civil suit for the lost job as well. If this were to be pursued, on what legal grounds could I be liable? What kind of damages could I face? Also this would be in Maryland court if it matters.

When did the Soviet occupation of Hungary end ?

April 8th 1990.... a href=",_1990" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think life in the Soviet Union was as bad as the movies portray it?

There's a phenomenon in Germany they call "Ostalgie", a pun on "East" as in communist East Germany and "Nostalgia". The Russians you talked to could be experiencing this kind of Nostalgia. It was indeed horrible (from what I understand), but at the same time these people probably had their first kiss in that period too. How could you not look back on the past somewhat romantically?

College credits for teaching overseas?

I've just finished financial aid, am about to take my placement exams, and then enroll in classes. My career goal is to become an ESL teacher in Japan. What should my major be? What other credits are required and/or would help me? If I decided to become an English teacher in the states or teach Japanese here, would those classes I'm going to take apply to those careers as well? Please and thank you!

Im writing a book about....Please tell me what you think?

ok so when i was 7 my parent got a job as an ESL teacher in the middle east. I am now 16 and i'm writing this book about my life since i went to the middle east which starts at 3rd grade and ends in 8th grade. Ok so this book will talk about how hard/easy it was for me to learn the language what was school like my friends and my enemies. What was it like outside school? It will talk about my friends and our conversations. did i ever lose any friends yes or no who? and why? what happened? it will talk about the different conversations that we had and the jokes we played. I had a pretty fun life their i have to say and i enjoyed it i had fun with my friends and some of it not so much fun. The book will go on to talk about the bullies or the peers she faced and the struggle of her family we also moved a lot so does that affect anything. umm, it will also talk about her relationship with her mother and father as well as her siblings. So the story is basically about a girl who moves to middle east and it goes on from their. Her struggle of finding the right friends her struggle of fitting in and what happens at the end. What do you think good story or not. My friends over their are very excited for the book as am i. Im not sure if the story books will continue on of my life her in the states it might. so your opinion please thanks. It just brings back so many memories.

My sons father is taking me to court for SOLE CUSTODY!!?

I am 22 years old (full time mother) to a 2 and half year old beautiful boy. I am on welfare and have a nice apartment (not housing) and I also get support from my mother she has been buying me groceries for 2 and half years since my sons father refuses to pay child support. My sons father is 23 years old and has A lot of money, he has a lawyer and I don't and HE FILED COURT ON ME! We both have shared custody since we are both on the birth certificate. I am a stay at home mom, I have been taking care of my child and so has he but he started paying me $198 a month for about 5 months because my social worker demanded it. in October my sons father put my son in daycare Without My Consent!!! and stopped paying me child support all of a sudden!! I went to my social worker and they gave me a paper to show me how much he owes me in child support including the times hes missed and including INTEREST! My sons father makes me have him on the weekends now but I personally think he is doing this because his girlfirend (That he has cheated on me with when I was 7 and half months pregnant) Keeps telling him to take me to court and get SOLE custody and the court papers say he wants me to have supervised visits as if I'm some crack head or something (I DO NOT DO DRUGS) I am a good mother and take care of my son better then my sons father (his sisters and his girlfirned take care of my son and pick him up from day care since my sons father works 9-5 Job) when my son is with me he gets my FULL attention I am a young single beautiful mother and live on my own and make sure there is breakfast lunch and dinner on the table for my son at all times, I bath him at all times he is with me and take him with me everywhere i go when he is with me. I have court on Thursday at 11AM (June 30th) he lied and said i have no food in my fridge, and says my house is always dirty (I had the police investigate my house and said they have never seen a place so clean and nice since i keep my place well kept and they seen i had food in the fridge!) He says my hallway stinks of marijuana (witch is true) but only because my neighbors are pot heads and they are getting evicted they are moving next month my landlord found out they are selling drugs in the building so she evicted them! CLEARY my sons father is doing everything he can to lie on me just to win, wont it show he is trying to take my child from me because he clearly does not want to pay child support and he says he is takin me to court because I have no MONEY!!! Obviously not I only get enough to pay my rent and my mother provides the groceries since he refusees to pay child support but instead Pays the daycare teacher 800 DOLLARS a month! to do my job !! The only thing I am bringing with me is my witness's and my mother (my second sons father should I say) and the paper stating how much CHILD SUPPORT he owes me. My sons father filed for court BEHIND MY BACK but he gave me the court papers LATE (he filed for court MAY 12 2011, AND GAVE ME THE COURT PAPERS ON MAY 31st!) and kept saying he is not going to take me to court if we have a decent custody agreement HENCE why I do not have a LAWYER!!! But I don't believe I need one I am a good mother and I will be honest with the job! Who will be in the court room with us will it just be me and my sons father? or are we allowed to bring our own people? What do you think is going to happen when I go please be specific and detailed please, and thank you!???? (PS... WE are NOT Married and never were.

Why is their so much muslim bashing by the media recently?

I would say it has more to do with the interest in Islamic terrorism and terrorism in general in the media, and society at large, due to the events of 9/11 and Islamic terrorist attacks on the USA afterward, and the wars in the Middle East and North Africa. I don't think that for the most part it is necessarily the media trying to bash and support hatred toward Muslims in general, just reporting on situations happening in the Middle East and North Africa and Islamic terrorism.

I am a filipino can i marry an American girl?

I am filipino single and no girlfriend I know a little of computers and I am an electronic technician I was working in garments industry for 5 years as a temporary worker as for now I am jobless I Am looking to a job especially there in USA and I want to marry a white girl.

Is this bad...........................…

in my town (im a high schooler) any way all the RedNeck boys have rebal flags every were and it offends me couse im half african american and russian mother grandmother grandad and so on were born in the ussr so if they can show their heritage with confederate flags why cant i show mine with the soviet flag

Alpha class nuclear submarines?

i have just purchased an old Soviet Navy Project 705 alpha class of hunter/killer nuclear powered submarine. thing is i was kinda bidding for something else so i dont know how i have ended up with it? anyhow....what should i do with it?

Is a TESOL certificate valuable in the United States?

I would like to obtain a TESOL certificate so I can teach English abroad for a year (possibly two). I would like to teach abroad in Europe and then come back to the United States. Does a TESOL certificate hold any value for someone who wants to eventually be in ESL in some way (teacher, tutor, corporate related, etc) in the United States in the future?

I thought she was interested in me. But i guess not? I'm confused.?

Sounds like you have been pussyfooting around for a loooong time-shes probably sick of waiting for you to approach her and ask her out?If youre interested in her,just go tell her!Ask her out for a coffee or lunch-or something.She will either say yes or no.That will give you a good indication about whether or not shes interested in you.

Should I call child protection services?

I have this friend, we used to work together and we are not as close as we used to be but we still see eachother once or twice a month, she has two boys one is 8 the other is 6 and they have some severe behavior problems. Both of them have had numerous run ins with police and the juvenile system and to be honest my heart breaks for them. Their father was abusive to their mom (physically and emotionally) and last year he became extremely sick and has been slowly dying in a nursing home ever since. Instead of dealing with their questions/grief/behavior shes too busy enjoying her new freedom now that her abusive husband is dying. I was there one day and her 8 yr old son exposed himself to my 4 yr old daughter. She beat him with a broom stick. I have personally heard her tell her children she hates them and wishes they would die and when I confronted her she said "well they say it to me!" She has been known to abuse morphine pills (not in excess) and she wont discipline them. She takes them to a neighbors house and lets the neighbor do it (the neighbor pulls their tongues out with pliers until they are screaming in pain). The scary thing is, she puts up a false front. She has regular visits with a psr worker yet pretends shes this loving mother with unruley kids and she blames them for their outbursts. Should I turn her in to CPS and do you think anything would even come of it seeing as a social worker visits her but sees nothing going on?

What is the best place in China to teach ESL?

The best money is made in teaching kindergarden in China. Smaller cities are better as the cost of living is lower and the salary just as high. If you want to make money and save some Id' suggest finding a job that offers 10,000rmb and make sure the school provides the housing. Networkesl or Dave's esl cafe are good places to find work

Were Americans allowed to travel to Soviet Russia when it was still around? Ever?

The US never disallowed it. The USSR didn't want that many US tourists in since it was still using propaganda to say how bad the west was and they didn't want too many Westerners saying that the propaganda was BS. But the USSR did allow some American tourists especially near the end.

Can I Sue this restaurant or put them out of business?

My grandmother and I went out to lunch at an asian buffet called Sakura Buffet in Lancaster, CA. My grandmother and I noticed that there was flies going into the food. But sadly it was after we at a little bit of food. We both think that we ate some flies that we didn't see. My grandma told one of the workers and all they did was fan the flies away!!! I felt so disgusted. After a while we started throwing up and had to go to the bathroom.We think it's food poisoning. It' not like were greedy or anything but this place needs to be shutdown!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you care what your classmates or co-workers say/think about you?

If you classmates or co-workers do not like you because of you are less attractive would it bother you. There is a guy that I work with and some of the people do not like him because he is not the most attractive. And because he is not the most attractive, he is not well respected by the other co-workers. It seems like in today's world if you aren't the most handsome or the most beautiful, people aren't going to have much respect for you.

"Words" by Carol Shields?

I just read this story and I need some help with the character analysis part (focused on Ian and Isobel)! Can anyone help me please? How do they change? How do they start off? What triggers the change? I'm so confused. I'm an ESL thank you!

I need a job outside of my country.?

It depends what you can do? do you have any skills? if yes you can search your skill name on internet and find out about the works available, as far as I know there is trouble even for US citizens finding a job so you better search other places of the world.I hope it helps.

I love Latin culture. Where do you reccomend for a American to live and volunteer with ESL?

Mexico is to dangerous. I have been to Costa Rica twice. I am looking at Spain, or Peru. Spain I think is very expensive. I truly want somewhere in Central, or South America. Also would like any information on volunteer opportunity organizations? Thank you for your time, and help.

Did Lenin order the execution of the Romanov family?

I understand this has been the historical commonly-held belief. However, I have read (truth unclear) that there is now evidence suggesting that [1] Lenin wanted to only execute the Tsar and send the rest of the family into exile, and [2] EITHER Yakov Sverdlov personally gave the order, or [3] the Ural Soviet (the local government that had jurisdiction over the town where the Romanovs were held captive) gave the order completely autonomously.

WoW profession double-timing question...?

Ok so one of my characters in WoW is over 300 in skinning and so I have a huge variety of leathers that I can't do anything with (besides selling of course), because being dumb like me, I chose herbalism to go along with it instead of leather-working. Most things that leather-workers make say they "bind when equipped". So I was wondering if it's possible to send all my leathers to a newly-created character who would have leather-working as their profession, and then make something (let's say a bag) and and send it back to my main character? Without equipping it of course... Or do things you hand-make automatically equip?

Which ESL institute is most trust worthy and worth teaching for in South Korea?

I want to teach ESL in South Korea, mainly Seoul. I heard of institutes such as CDI, YBM, PAGODA, Park English, and the list goes on. Wondering if anyone has had any first hand experience with any ESL institutes in Seoul, and could let me know how it went.

Why are Wealthy Republicans here in the South West responsible for illegal immigration?

It's cheaper to hire illegals and pay them low wages under the table than to pay half of a legal persons SSN and pay enough for them to pay taxes. That's how Republicans operate. They believe in illegal immigration if it benefits them. Simply put ... GREED

What three options did Kennedy's staff consider as a response to Soviet missiles headed to Cuba?

1. sink any soviet transports 2. take out all the missile sites 3.attack Russia through Berlin 4. conduct a military invasion 5. assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro 6. run a blockade or quarantine.

During World War 2 did any Submarines go through the Bearing Straight and Under the Artic Circle?

During World War 2 we know that German Submarines made it around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa and most likely through Magellan's Pass in South America. But did any go through the Bearing Straight or even under the Arctic Circle? I know that Subs patrolled the Bearing Sea as the Soviet subs sunk two Ocean Liners in the last months of the War 1945 that set out from Danzig, Poland in route to Germany.

Ideas for presentation esl?

I need ideas for a 5th grade presentation. The last two years we had all 80 girls hold cards which spelled out the first letter of abc animals in turns. Then we made a rainbow of the cards. It was great since every girl had a job and spoke in a group with some individuals speaking too. We did a similar one the year before using the school name. Any ideas! We cannot sing since other grades have songs and no plays, only 6 graders. The content is not important, I can adjust. I need ideas having to do with staging, something to hold or that makes an impact on an audience. Nothing too flashy! Help! Susan, ESL JAPAN

How to tell a co-worker to stop bossing me around and do her own work?

Next time she "commands" you, smile, say 'Ok' and proceed with what you were doing originally. Don't make a verbal thing out of it. Chances are that is what she's expecting. Acknowledging her but ignoring her "order" will throw her off base and make it clear you're not going to be manipulated one way or another.

How do you feel about the Local church opposes new immigration bill?

I say that it's better to work on this issue of illegal aliens from the standpoint of checking the authenticity of their documents using e-verify when they apply for jobs. Rather than arrest people who "are suspected" of being illegal aliens, and use police to enforce the immigration laws, enforce immigration laws vis a vis an adequate document check when people apply for work. This is a gentler way to work this issue.

How should i make an essay structure in the exam?

Hi, Generally, an essay structure contents 5 paragraphs like introduction, supporting idea 1, supporting idea 2, supporting idea 3 and conclusion. Tomorrow, im going to write an exam about english proficiency at University because im esl student. I will have 30 minutes to write an essay, the question is. Should i make the essay structure with 5 paragraphs? or is anyway to modified this format just for tomorrow test? the university suggest me to write a strong thesis statement and conclusion,however, it does not advice me about essay structure. the fact i don't write a 5 paragraph essay will make me fail? what is your advice to me? thank you guys

Was Lenin the Greatest Man in Human History?

He smashed the false idols of religion and Capitalism and thus freed the Russian people. It's a shame that after Stalin the Soviet Union lost it's previous spirit and descended into Capitalism.

Should there be stand alone weekends for rep games or not?

I think it should be left the way it is and Bellamy should eat a spoonful of concrete and harden the **** up!

What happens in Soviet Russia?

Well the U.S. handed your a55es to you in the 80's, so we'll do it again. You'll be nice is what you'll do.

What scam mail have you received from these 2 Malaysian Scammers?

Please confirm to me that the "Dr.Ahmad Sun and his pretending Immigration lawyer Agent Barr thomas Ben are Malaysian evils scamming ESl teachers particularly in the Philippines and other countries in asia", So we could avoid them from spreading this evilness! We will inform all the esl teachers most especially to the new members online.

I think this guy is following me?

Everyday I go to work, I see this guy, I think he follows me. I never heard of him working so I don't think that's likely. He just sort of stares at me blankly, straightens his tie then walks off. I tried to follow him once, but he went behind a door, which was then locked. I see him looking at me from catwalks and windows. It's creeping me out. He looks like one of those generic people, just wearing a suit and carrying a brief case. Maybe he is some kind of gman (government worker)?

In 1922, the Russian Empire was officially changed to the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic by the Bolsheviks?

False. The empire ended with the overthrow of the last Czar and establishment of the [first] Russian Republic in 1917. It was the Republic which was changed to the USSR by Lenin.

Whats it like to teach English (ESL)?

I'm thinking about teaching English in the future, and I want to know what it's like. do they get paid well? how do they organize lessons? thanks :)

Who is the Best IELTS , ESL , TOEFL , ETS Teacher in Faisalabad Region Pakistan.?

Looking for the best instructor who can well prepare for the IELTS exam in given time? Kindly help me

In Your Opinion, How Do You Define a 3rd/2nd/1st World Country?

The definition has evolved. Today it means any poor country, or more exactly any country where you have a few wealthy individuals and the greatest number of the rest of the population is 'poor'. The US is heading in that direction. Should the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak party complete their coup de' etat in the next election cycle the US will be no different than Mexico or Saudi Arabia where 5% of the population owns, controls, manages or influences 95% of the wealth and ALL of the power, position and authority. There will be no or very few more 'mom and pop' business, 'small business', even now is no more than a series of sub contractors for 'big business' will be crushed and dismembered, Unions will become 'un-American and the true unemployment rate will be forever at 25%. Prices will be high in relation to wages, education will be close to worthless for most Americans and higher education wil be the reserve of the wealthy or the near wealthy. The word 'retirement' will refer to bedtime, not the so-called 'golden years'. Slum housing will increase, homelessness will increase, illegal abortions will begin to take lives, gays will be attacked and the Supreme Court will be staffed by pimps and stooges. You can expect a massive propaganda effort to convince the public that their troubles are caused by 'far left liberals' with a sub text of 'the Jews', and the 'Republic' is in dangered by 'communists' and islamofascists. 'Our' government will be run from the boardrooms of the trans national corporations and fronted by someone like Bachmann or some equally unsavory character. The US will become a 'security state', history will be rewritten and if there are any Winston Smiths around they will be convince to 'Love Big Brother' way or the other. All very dystopian where a waving flag and a shaking cross will replace science and reason, and once again the air, water and soil of 'our' country will be a dumping ground for toxic wastes. Stand by for ram 'America'...these right wing reactionary weasels play hardball!