Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In Your Opinion, How Do You Define a 3rd/2nd/1st World Country?

The definition has evolved. Today it means any poor country, or more exactly any country where you have a few wealthy individuals and the greatest number of the rest of the population is 'poor'. The US is heading in that direction. Should the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak party complete their coup de' etat in the next election cycle the US will be no different than Mexico or Saudi Arabia where 5% of the population owns, controls, manages or influences 95% of the wealth and ALL of the power, position and authority. There will be no or very few more 'mom and pop' business, 'small business', even now is no more than a series of sub contractors for 'big business' will be crushed and dismembered, Unions will become 'un-American and the true unemployment rate will be forever at 25%. Prices will be high in relation to wages, education will be close to worthless for most Americans and higher education wil be the reserve of the wealthy or the near wealthy. The word 'retirement' will refer to bedtime, not the so-called 'golden years'. Slum housing will increase, homelessness will increase, illegal abortions will begin to take lives, gays will be attacked and the Supreme Court will be staffed by pimps and stooges. You can expect a massive propaganda effort to convince the public that their troubles are caused by 'far left liberals' with a sub text of 'the Jews', and the 'Republic' is in dangered by 'communists' and islamofascists. 'Our' government will be run from the boardrooms of the trans national corporations and fronted by someone like Bachmann or some equally unsavory character. The US will become a 'security state', history will be rewritten and if there are any Winston Smiths around they will be convince to 'Love Big Brother' way or the other. All very dystopian where a waving flag and a shaking cross will replace science and reason, and once again the air, water and soil of 'our' country will be a dumping ground for toxic wastes. Stand by for ram 'America'...these right wing reactionary weasels play hardball!

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