Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Could i have a learning disability?

i'm not trying to use any excuses. ever since i was little teachers have said im very respectful, but they've always complained that i'm doing poorly in math. i'll do fine in other subjects, maybe sometimes not consecrate, but I've always always struggled with math. all four years of highschool i had to retake my math classes at least once. i took summer school twice, and night school once, and for one semester i took it during the year. for some reason the first time i can't remember or understand anything AT ALL. then during my ACT i did poorly in math, and good in reading. when i retake the class and relearn everything it's easy peasy. i had to take summer school for math instead of graduating on time because i failed my math class....now i'm in college and i tookthe placement test...i'm taking algebra AGAIN because i couldn't remember how to do any of the equations! during the first semester i barely passed my math class. it wasn't really all that hard, but during tests as usual i do bad, and i was really behind. the next semester i i failed my math class. i was far behind but what the teacher was teaching me didn't make any sense. in my head im like "sweet i learned this sophomore year already!" then comes the test and my mind goes blank...the only times i can remember how to do anything is when it comes to distribution or simplifying simple fractions. i have even more problems when the teacher is teaching us more then one way to do a problem i get confused to easily and feel like im having a panic attack in my head! this is the third time im taking those classes and it's stressing me out! i can't remember how to do most of the thing i already did two times before!this is the only subject i've ever had a huge problem with! the only other class I've had problems with are reading.during elementary school i had to take ESL, during jr. high i had to take read 180, but during high school i actually did pretty good and went up a level up from prairie state level (even though the stupid couceler said i was failing my english class and i had to get a statement from my teacher saying im one of his best students and deserved to move up.). i'm so damn tired of struggling with math! i'm already retaking last semester's math class and it's a little easier. even my dad has struggled to teach me my times tables and how to devide when i was 10-12! it's embarrassing not being able to remember my times tables even at this age! deviding is a lot easier but i barely started understanding it like a year ago....

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