Friday, July 15, 2011

Your problems with democratic socialism?

When many people think of socialism, they think of the soviet union or communist china. these societies were authoritarian, which nobody wants, be it capitalist or communist; so what's the problem with a socialism that implements democracy? Many also believe that socialism and communism are one in the same, this however is untrue because with socialism, one still has the freedom to become wealthy, to own his/her own business, and to work any occupation he or she chooses. Many dislike socialism because of the taxes that come with it, saying that it is stealing their money. But is that how you feel about your taxes being spent on roads, schools, libraries, police, and fire departments? One thing I find very strange about these people is that they don't mind a child having a free education from a public school, but for some reason they dislike that same child going to a doctor when her parents can't afford it themselves. So my question is, what are your problems with democratic socialism?

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