Thursday, July 14, 2011

Im writing a book about....Please tell me what you think?

ok so when i was 7 my parent got a job as an ESL teacher in the middle east. I am now 16 and i'm writing this book about my life since i went to the middle east which starts at 3rd grade and ends in 8th grade. Ok so this book will talk about how hard/easy it was for me to learn the language what was school like my friends and my enemies. What was it like outside school? It will talk about my friends and our conversations. did i ever lose any friends yes or no who? and why? what happened? it will talk about the different conversations that we had and the jokes we played. I had a pretty fun life their i have to say and i enjoyed it i had fun with my friends and some of it not so much fun. The book will go on to talk about the bullies or the peers she faced and the struggle of her family we also moved a lot so does that affect anything. umm, it will also talk about her relationship with her mother and father as well as her siblings. So the story is basically about a girl who moves to middle east and it goes on from their. Her struggle of finding the right friends her struggle of fitting in and what happens at the end. What do you think good story or not. My friends over their are very excited for the book as am i. Im not sure if the story books will continue on of my life her in the states it might. so your opinion please thanks. It just brings back so many memories.

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