Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How do i write lyrics?

So i'm a guitarist, and i can write music. I wrote a few insturmentals, and my friends think they're really good, and they say that if i can write music so well, then i should write some songs. I want to also, but i'm bad with lyrics, i can't find good subjects, i'm ESL so i don't know words that are really good. I wrote a song once, and it was really bad. It was about a girl who sits infront of me in class. Stupid subject. I don't want to write about love. I want to write about anything, except that. I want to write good songs, lyrically, like Working Man by Rush, or Enter Sandman by Metallica, etc. I want songs that speak out to people. A good example is Working Man by Rush. i want my songs to be good like that. Lyrically and musically. Give me as many tips/suggestions as you can :D

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